I'm Amie Pederson
I am not just any coach... sure I know Business and I love teaching it. But there is something BIGGER inside my Soul that I am unleashing in the form of a Movement!
I believe with every ounce of my body that women are amazing and they can have such a huge positive impact on the world. I believe that we should no longer water down our dreams and our voices because someone has Mom Shamed us, in fact, I think that has got to STOP!
I believe that women can be both a mother, fully present in the lives of her children AND a total BOSS in her business. I believe that we are "Meant for MORE than wiping Boogers and Folding Laundry" - I know I am and I am supporting the other women out there who have the feeling that they just cant shake, to do something more, be something more- and do it without feeling guilty.
It is my mission to share this message of BELIEF and EMPOWERMENT while giving the Tools to women to grow their business, while also being with their babies as they are growing.
I truly love great partnerships and teaming up with brands and influencers who see not only see the direction of this Movement but who also FEEL it and how impactful it is.
I am so excited to hear your vision, how you would like to partner up and the impact this would have on your audience together, as a team.
I am truly honored and thankful that you have considered me as someone you saw something in me and chose to reach out.
A few topics I am always happy to cover
Leading with Confidence and Passion
Lets face it, Confidence sells and the best way to speak confidently on a topic is to find that thing you are so passionate about that you sometimes feel like you "Can't shut up about it" that thing you can talk about, unscripted with your besties over coffee or cocktails that brightens your heart.... this creates the "I'll have what shes having" effect.
Flexing your BELIEF Muscle
I look at belief like a muscle, its something you always have to work on... much like a set of six pack abs, even once you have them you must keep up the work in order to maintain them. Am I right? The same is true for belief, you have to keep up on your positive self-talk and mindset work to keep your belief muscle strong and leading the way. Why is this so important? Because, if you don't believe in yourself or your offer, no one else will either
Mom Shaming
One thing I know from experience is that unsolicited Mom Shaming is a real issue. This shaming is done in so many ways, and is sometimes disguised as unsolicited "advice". Trust me, I've been there. I want women to know that it is OK to follow their dreams and intuition into the path that they KNOW they are served to call and get these Mom Shaming Bullies to STOP!
Balancing Kids, Biz and Rustic Lifestyle
I found balancing it all- kids, working two businesses, a marriage, a small urban farm to be quite a JUGGLE- I don't believe that it was a struggle. No it wasn't always easy but I don't believe that you HAV E to stuggle to get what you desire in life.

While we know that its not all about the numbers, and its more so about the movement here are some of our growing stats on social media.
I adore using social media to share the message of my MOVEMENT with the Moms and women who need to hear it most. I have made so many meaningful and lifelong connections with amazing women via Social Media. I have been told that I am the most "Well connected Coach" on more than one occasion.
Our exclusive growing Goal Getter Facebook Community has over 1500 amazing female entrepreneurs with a true community.
Over 253.2K Monthly Viewers and 14.3K monthly engaged
Moms Making Money Show Podcast - over 2500 unique downloads since airing Oct 2018
Over 6300 followers on Facebook Business Page
Rapidly growing Instagram account currently with over 2200 unique followers, and 2595 weekly impressions
Our social sites are always growing as the message of our Movement spreads...
Amie Pederson is the Business Mentor & Confidence Coach for the new and emerging purpose-driven Female Entrepreneur. She is a mom, wife and unshakeable optimist in helping women learn to flex their belief muscle and find their true calling in business, and an Anti-Mom Shaming Advocate. She started her movement because she knew in her soul she was "Meant for more than wiping boogers and folding laundry".
Amie leads by living a REAL life, by sharing both the highlight and blooper reels. She knows that having fun, laughing at yourself and getting back up is all part of the journey. Amie has had an entrepreneurial spirit since the age of seven when she opened her first Kool-Aid Stand for business, in which her uniform included roller skates for fun in between customers.
After 15 years in Business Mentoring in a corporate setting of powerline construction, as well as co-owning an electrical company (established in 2009) and a Business Degree, Amie wanted to share her skills and passion for helping other women find their voice and their confidence and RISE so they could start a ripple effect into the world.
It is her mission to impact women everywhere to show them how they can grow their business, while also being present with their growing babies.
Amie Pederson is the Business Mentor & Confidence Coach for the new and emerging purpose-driven Female Entrepreneur. She is a mom, wife and unshakeable optimist in helping women learn to flex their belief muscle and find their true calling in business, and an Anti-Mom Shaming Advocate. She started her movement because she knew in her soul she was "Meant for more than wiping boogers and folding laundry".
Amie Pederson Business Mentor & Confidence Coach
Let's Do This-
and include all the details (website, dates, locations, product/services hello@amiepederson.comAll sponsorships, features, interviews and speaking opportunities will be given personal review and consideration. We promise to respond to Every request. To get lined up for collaboration or partnering for sponsorship please email and applicable links) and information about your event, product, service or idea. Be sure you include what you have in mind for the partnership too!
Please allow up to 48 business hours for a reply. I am so excited and honored that you are considering a partnership with me.